(This review originally published at Filmwell, a blog of The Other Journal.)
Start Something
Written and Directed by Mike Mills
"You don't know me. I like that." So says the She of Beginners to the He, on one of those floating walks that fill up the start of a relationship. She's teasing him, but we know it's more than a bit of banter-- it's an attitude that can easily turn into a way of life. Beginners is at once an ode to this sentiment and a critique of it, equally at home in the giggles and piggyback rides of early love and in the unbearable looks at a person you know you are supposed to understand but do not. The film takes us inside that curious rush of hope and mystery that comes with a beginning, but it follows those firsts shoots further into maturity than most romances would dare.
The title of this film makes it easy to pre-judge it: oh, look, another cute indie drama where people fumble into relationships and find out life is sad and beautiful and complicated, because, you know, we are all beginners, etc., etc. And that assessment isn't entirely off-- Beginners is indeed a stylized relationship drama that adheres to the 21st century aesthetic of quirk. But writer/director Mike Mills' strength is in his sense of arrangement, of context. He elevates what could be trite hipster sentimentality into a fully-realized human portrait by giving us a life in patchwork, sewing together sharp little bits of past and present. This is not a film about beginners as people who are "just waking up," people whose lives prior to the film's plot must have been an unimaginably dull morass (Garden State, anyone?). The beginners of Mill's film have been at the business of life for a while. The circumstances that befall them in Beginners are not earth-shattering. They simply push the characters to look at themselves and this moment within the narrative of their lives, and to say, yes, this is important, and yes, I'm going to start something.
Continued at Filmwell...
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